Which one do I buy Pre Ject Debut III or Rega P1??

I am looking to purchase a turntable and I am not sure which one is better sounding? I don't have a local dealer and I plan on listening ti vinyl on occasion. I have narrowed it down to Pro Ject Debute III or Rega P1 or Music Fidelity 2.2? I am only considering these turntables, so please help me decide between these three.

I agree with Wendell, however the Rega has the better arm. If you could swing the few extra dollars, buy the Rega P2.
I third the Rega (and the Music Hall would be my second choice, ahead of the Project). In addition to the better arm, as Mofimadness says, the Rega will have better soundstaging and imaging, if these are important to you, as well as better resolution of instrumental and vocal timbres. It is also a little more 'set-it-and-forget-it' than the other two, if you are not very technically inclined.
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Now, if I did decide on purchasing a used turntable, for less than $400 which one would be the most musical, warm sounding, and produce a great soundstage for 70's and 80' disco music?