tuner better than turntable ? thread.

Hi,I started that thread a few months ago, and had said the top turners sound better than top turntables.

Well, I have to clarify, tuners like the Dynalab 108 and 109
in their stock form are very good but not as good as the best tables, but

a modified tuner with teflon coupling caps will actually
exceed the table, In my opinion.

I did not know that the my friends tuner had been modified.

I didn't realize till another friend bought a 108 and it didn't sound any where near as good as my friends 109 so
I asked him why, and my (jerk)friend just told me about the
teflon caps he had installed. Dooooooow

The modified tuner is about 30-40% better! than the stock
It was more extended and way more transparent!

By the way, teflon caps are expensive $40 to $200 ea., depending on values but if you have a vacuum tube preamp or tube power amp, you can upgrade your
audio equipment to a new level without selling your pieces.

It will transform your unit with extension especially top end, and with transparency that will amaze.

Just make sure you substitute the coupling cap with same value (uf) and voltage rating.

Syntax, LOL, you are right on! Careful reading of the FM site, as well as a few others, substantiate what you have pointed out. Finding a reviewer who is is actually an 'audiophile' with the attendant sensitivities to the QUALITY and TONE of the sound heard over a high quality system, as opposed to the 'quality' of the signal reception as heard or measured on a test bench is a rare event, but it does occur. The guy who loves Kenwood may, as I recall, be an exception.

What is really funny, to me at least, is that some folks want us to believe that if one's vinyl system was identical to that used by the broadcaster, and even assuming that the signal was not manipulated as it always seems to be, or was when vinyl was actually used, that it would 'sound better' over their audio system when heard thru a very good tuner than if one played back the same recording on vinyl thru their vinyl system. Go figure! :-)

What I read into the OP is that the poster likes an FM tuner better when playing broadcast digital music in general than the music he is able to obtain from either CD or Vinyl from his CD or Vinyl systems, presumably because all of the broadcast signal manipulation results in a pleasant sound absent all of the unpleasant artifacts inherent in these formats that are more difficult for many to deal with in their home systems. I doubt that the OP'er has ever heard a high quality, well set up, home audio system using all of the accoutrements.

BTW, FWIW, much as mod's are hawked, I've stuck to the sound produced by the Accuphase engineers. Some how I think they just might know a bit more about the subject than most modders. I expect SOTA tuner engineers know, or knew, what they were doing. But for those who might think otherwise, for the record I have never A/B'd two identical SOTA tuners, one modded/one not, so I could be FOS and not know what I'm missing.

I do agree with Stilskin about the benefits of a proper alignment and applaud his choice of the Accuphase T100. :-)
Hey Newbee;

Ever talk to people on the street that are audiophiles with
their Cerwin Vega speakers and Pioneer receivers?

Although the Accuphase T100 is a decent tuner, it simply is not in the league of the dynalab 108T or 109 tuners.
Not because if the specs or ability to pull in stations, but
mostly because of the audio section is inferior.
Also my conclusions have nothing to do with music material as you thought before.

Bottom line;
Here is the list of highest quality sources for home audio reproduction in order and in my opinion.

#1 Modified hi-end tuners, with teflon coupling caps in audio board.
#2 turntable
#3A stock hi-end tuners
#3B Digital CD,DVD,etc...

"thems the facts" according to three of our friends,
who's systems are well above average. :>)
I believe this, its just my worthless opinion.

I think this is a dead subject, I've made it clear what I
believe and will probably need not comment further.

Started this post, because it was a shocking revelation to
me, being in audio for so long, (can see many are shocked to); wanted to hear others opinions.

Have a happy new year and may He richly Bless you with
audio bliss and happy listening.

Peace, out.
Definitely listening to FM broadcast over the air we are a distinct minority with very, very few quality FM transmissions in existences today.

Syntax's comment here and else where does shed light on the mind set of many in this hobby be it the audio media, manufactures and the sheep they cater to.

Newbee I do like the sound out of Accuphase very much and with brief comparisons its close to the Sansui.
Little was done to modify it and it did retain it's sound., just cleaned up the stereo separation and sensitivity along with it's second alignment over many years.
Further listening now that the holidays are wrapping up and our company have all gone will tell me more.

Good listening and the best for 2010.
I fully expect the Sansui TU-X1 to leave my Accuphase behind performance and sound wise.

Cosmetically the TU-X1 was well looked after and was purchased from the original owner though it needs to be checked out thoroughly and tested.
I picked it up for almost pocket change through a local buy and sell paper.

Anyway so much can go sour over time that would directly effect the sound of something of this age.
I think this could very well be the case with Jims comment about the comparison of the Accuphase 100 and the MD tuners.
It wasn't my findings with the 108.
If we concede that band limited FM (15 khz) is musical, then we can't turn around and say that red book digital is flawed because its bandwidth is limited to 22.05 khz, or that vinyl, SACD, and other hi res digital are superior because they can reproduce frequencies greater than this.

It's an interesting philosophical question.