Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
Thuchan would never spent so much money on just one table. So maybe when I have finished my suggested show-schedule prices have melted down as well - Australia is the country of dreams I learned...

Stringreen, my friends at Porsche always try to sell a Panamera to me which is not a bad car at all. It comes with a Burmester-system. I had to finish the discussion when I was offered only the Bumester system as a first installment of my services for Porsche...
After you guys finish trading bon mots, perhaps someone can tell me what unique sonic benefit one could possibly get from a $100,000 turntable that one cannot get from a $20,000 to $25,000 turntable, or even a $50,000 one? Surely there must be words to describe the wonderment. At the "six-figure" price level it's all about cosmetics and exclusivity, IMO.
Dear Lewm, I will show you in about 4 months, that not all $100k+ turntables are about cosmetics and exclusivity only. Sometimes its a matter of guts, material and consequence. And these mere words will be followed by facts and evidence soon. By hard and very heavy facts.
The problem is, that words have nothing to do with reality. Ask a Rega owner what he thinks about his last purchase and he will tell you, that this thing is unbelievable good. Or a Raven 1, LP12, Dual...or whatever

When you want to know what is going on, the best way is to travel and to listen to other Systems you are interested. Some will be awful and some can be a surprise, That's the normal way. Sooner or later you will be able to hear something which is unique when you meet the interesting tables. They have a different kind of presentation. The holographic picture is different, the "view" into the soundstage is different, the dynamic impact based on vibration control is much sharper and more clear than usual. But when you never heard it, it is hard to believe, because everyone writes about. Even a Rega P3 owner.
Dear Lewm: I agree in part with Syntax. I always try to hear as many audio systems I can, every kind of audio system no matters its price and I do it for many reasons.

Money was/is made to spend and if you are " insane " wealthy then you can spend that money even in a not to rational way.

One " advantage " of people like you and me that don't have enough money ( I wish I have. ) to spare everywhere is that we take audio item decisions/choices with more in deep " investigation " due that we can't give us the " luxury " to make mistake$$$ about.

If I was Thuchan ( and other than to have the fun on trips to hear it ) what I do first is to buy or borrow from the TT manufacturer the Cobra tonearm and test in my system with different cartridges and see what differences against other set ups in my system.

No one here yet address the fact that the Cobra tonearm has a " weight " in the Continuum overall performance, more than what we can imagine.

Thuchan: +++++ " Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn? " +++++

no one in the same manner that there is no reason to go for the Raven or SME or Mónaco.

Regards and enjoy the music,