Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
I think its nuts spending that kind of scratch on a turntable. Go get a Porsche and burn off some of that energy...
Thuchan is already well past Porsche...... his 4 wheel mobile toy just have to wait for snow to melt and spring to come. And with money - its all relative.
Thuchan would never spent so much money on just one table. So maybe when I have finished my suggested show-schedule prices have melted down as well - Australia is the country of dreams I learned...

Stringreen, my friends at Porsche always try to sell a Panamera to me which is not a bad car at all. It comes with a Burmester-system. I had to finish the discussion when I was offered only the Bumester system as a first installment of my services for Porsche...
After you guys finish trading bon mots, perhaps someone can tell me what unique sonic benefit one could possibly get from a $100,000 turntable that one cannot get from a $20,000 to $25,000 turntable, or even a $50,000 one? Surely there must be words to describe the wonderment. At the "six-figure" price level it's all about cosmetics and exclusivity, IMO.
Dear Lewm, I will show you in about 4 months, that not all $100k+ turntables are about cosmetics and exclusivity only. Sometimes its a matter of guts, material and consequence. And these mere words will be followed by facts and evidence soon. By hard and very heavy facts.