VPI Classic - Now you have one......

For all who have had the Classic for a while now...what's it like to live with and is it what you expected it to be or more/ less?
Actusreus, do you have a picture of the cover you have? I want one for my Classic like that, low profile.

Mac, I can take a pic with my phone later today and forward it to you if you want (feel free to contact me privately). The cover is absolutely top quality and made perfectly to my specifications. The only downside to ordering custom is the wait time. But for a fraction of the price Ginko charges still worth it...

Regarding mass of the arm, pulled it from somewhere on the 'gon; but can't find it now. Sent an email to VPI asking for correct arm mass; I'll post their answer as soon as I get it.
Not sure if this was mentioned in this thread (I don't think so)that the lastest version of the VPI Classic is now being made with solid Walnut Sides, rather than Laminated Walnut.

The newest version has more rounded edges, that it looks more akin to the older HW-19 Table.

About the only other thing I have noted from other Classic owners, is the claim that the Aluminum Platter seems to scratch easily, and this gives me the impression that this Platter was never Hard Anodized. My opinion is, that they should be, to lessen scratching, as well as oxidation. My assumptions could be wrong as far as this goes? Mark