The table that I had before the Classic was an Aries 1 with a 10.5 arm and the original, and much desired, original platter.
I never liked that table. I had it with an SDS, permiter ring, and a wonderful Gingko isolation table. It always sounded bright to me, although the SDS definitely helped.
When I got the Classic, I hooked it up the same way as the Aries, and it sounded better right out the box. Much less bright, with great extension and speed. Also, I found no difference with the SDS hooked up, or with it off, so I sold that, and the Gingko platform made no difference either, so I sold that too.
I love the Classic. The only issue that I have had at all, is hum when my Grado The Reference 1 (Statement) is over the platter. VPI has told me that is due to the lack of any shielding with the Grado. They did say, and I agree, that the slight hum is worth it due to the excellent sound they make together, and they suggested keeping the cartridge, and they are working on how to eliminate the hum.