TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Dertonarm: See it is boring explaining things when you know in advance that the other can't possible comprehend.
........ its not about tube OR solid state, its about what you do and how.
I could rip your set-up into pieces from what I see in your pictures and description alone. But - so what - you are happy with it and that is fine.
That your benchmarks are so much lower than mine is your fortune.

Who am i to argue with a GOD ...

I'm dropping this thread from my watch list...
>>01-28-10: Dertonarm
I know I am hard to stomach for you and some others right now<<

Like a root canal without novacaine

>>but you would be surprised what a nice and sociable man I am in real life.<<

Provided you get a real life.

so far you get the best quote on this now comedy thread :>)

"So long as you point one at derblowhard as well.

But he and his flight attendant, syntax, get extra frequent flyer miles for chutzpah.

Now boarding, the Humility Express. Non-stop to Munich."

I have not laughed so much in quite a while. have a laugh at this Aussie comedy classik

Oh boy those German web sites must be a hoot!!
"Unfortunately" both TW threads in the German forum have been closed now. The questions for technical design features based on the pricing created too much trouble there (without any comment from DerTonarm). Compared to that, the posts from DT are nice, friendly entertainment. Take it easy, there are more important problems out there.