TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
"Unfortunately" both TW threads in the German forum have been closed now. The questions for technical design features based on the pricing created too much trouble there (without any comment from DerTonarm). Compared to that, the posts from DT are nice, friendly entertainment. Take it easy, there are more important problems out there.
One only has to look at reality. Reality is not an abstract nor is it fantasy.
TW-Acustic has now over 10 years in reality creating some of the finest analogue products in the world. All over this planet earth, there are hundreds and hundreds of extremely happy TW-Acustic customers all of which are thankful and respectful for the products that TW-Acustic has brought them. This is reality, just as Thomas Woschnick's back ground in electrical engineering, his years of teaching electrical engineering and the fact that over 90% of all TW products are made in house at TW-Acustics in Herne Germany. What also is reality, most analogue manufacturer and more to the point of this thread, tone arm manufactures do not in fact make their own tone arms. Most and we are talking about the biggest and most renown names in tone arm companies job out the making of their own product. Let's put this another way, most tone arm companies do not make/manufacture their own tone arms. Once again, over 90% of the TW 10.5 arm is made by TW-Acustic at TW-Acustic in Herne Germany. This is fact and or reality. Now, to those who live in their own reality or as some would say fantasy (to be kind). These people have no connection to the real world, do not create, nor have any thing tangible to offer or bring to the market place. Their subjective offerings are purely abstractions, non truths, distortions and ultimately, lies. In the delusional world one can be greater than all, have an answer for everything and reign superior against history, fact and reality. In the real world, proof is transparent, it's there for all to see and touch and ultimately decide if it is something they would care to purchase. This is reality, all the rest is purely fantasy.
On a personal note, I would like to extend my warmest and sincerest gratitude to all the hundreds of TW-Acustic owners I have had the honor and privilege to know and work with over all these years. Your are the ultimate reality and we thank you most respectfully.
Jeffrey Catalano
High Water Sound
Is this Marketing-Stage Number TWO ? what follows ? present-boxes for all customers? Do you have my adress?
No - hmmm
Dear Adog (cave canem ??),
auctoritas audiophil, non veritas facit legem.....
or in more simple words from the bible: - cuius enim panem manduco, carmina canto....
in ultima ratio.
I feel this thread illustrates a broader phenomenon of the internet: the erosion of hypothesis and observation based peer review in favor of dramatic testimonials and name calling.