TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Over many decades of listening to vinyl, I've never heard a cartridge that changed so significantly that my opinion went from poor to great.

And vice versa.

IMO, a cartridge's sonic character/personality is very apparent during the first few hours. Sure, there are some refinement and evolution but never a night/day difference in my experience.

Audiofeil, agreed. Leopards won't change there spots - no matter how long you expose them to bright sun-light. We have no ugly duck to white majestic swan metamorphosis in high-end cartridges.
Then there are even a few cartridges out there ( mostly from former Pro Audio origin ) which do not need any break-in at all (which in Pro Audio would be a no-go anyway...) and perform their best right from the start.

I have had your experience as well. Waiting for a cartridge to break in and never opening up.


I should say a new page has turned and for once we agree. But lets agree that when we disagree it should be as gentlemen with kind words for each other and each others biases.

On to the Titan i revised...if it can be one a combination of 3 things I would be so pleased. The detail and soundstage width of the Skala, the dynamics of the Titan but even more, and the magic of the Olympus all combined with a perfect window to the truth. I have a feeling the new version will reach 2 of these 3 and for that I am waiting.
>>05-10-10: Dgad
I have had your experience as well. Waiting for a cartridge to break in and never opening up.<<

Well thanks but that wasn't my point. What I meant to convey is a cartridge's sonic character does not change appreciably over time.

Many become a tad more polished or refined but I can't think of a single cartridge I've owned in the past 50 years that has undergone a personality transplant after 25, 50, or 100 hours.

Sorry if I wasn't clear.