Hi Catama,
While Thorens may have the correct sized spindle (I believe they are.286), it does you little good to know that record manufacturers cannot hold to RIAA specs - or punch records on center for that matter. It is this latter point that renders a precise spindle fit meaningless. You can precisely keep an off-center punched record, off center.
Your best bet would be to find a competent machinist to skim off a few thousandths. Go for .281. Youll find VPI and Sota to be in the .282 to .283 range, but Ive had to wrestle records off Sotas (.283).
Some will argue .281 to be too small. Ive never received a single complaint with my rigs for being a touch on the shy side of this number.
Thom @ Galibier
While Thorens may have the correct sized spindle (I believe they are.286), it does you little good to know that record manufacturers cannot hold to RIAA specs - or punch records on center for that matter. It is this latter point that renders a precise spindle fit meaningless. You can precisely keep an off-center punched record, off center.
Your best bet would be to find a competent machinist to skim off a few thousandths. Go for .281. Youll find VPI and Sota to be in the .282 to .283 range, but Ive had to wrestle records off Sotas (.283).
Some will argue .281 to be too small. Ive never received a single complaint with my rigs for being a touch on the shy side of this number.
Thom @ Galibier