Thanks Steve,
Yes, finding a machinist you trust is key. I didn't mean to trivialize this.
It's interesting that your Thorens' are "only" in the .282-.283 range (VPI & Sota territory).
I imagine that at some point, Thorens realized they were fighting a losing battle in keeping to RIAA standard.
Your experience of the .282-.283 range being problematic mirrors mine, and when I spec'd the Teres bearing out in the first month of the project, we went for what you measured (the spec as I recall was .280 -0/+001, and .2805 splits this difference perfectly).
It's the number I still use.
I wish I had better (easier to execute) advice for you than the two options presented above (machining spindles, or reaming records).
Yes, finding a machinist you trust is key. I didn't mean to trivialize this.
It's interesting that your Thorens' are "only" in the .282-.283 range (VPI & Sota territory).
I imagine that at some point, Thorens realized they were fighting a losing battle in keeping to RIAA standard.
Your experience of the .282-.283 range being problematic mirrors mine, and when I spec'd the Teres bearing out in the first month of the project, we went for what you measured (the spec as I recall was .280 -0/+001, and .2805 splits this difference perfectly).
It's the number I still use.
I wish I had better (easier to execute) advice for you than the two options presented above (machining spindles, or reaming records).