Thanks everyone for the thoughtful responses.
I think, based on comments, that my interest in the Basis is well-founded, and I'll keep an eye out for a 1400 on Audiogon. I like that it seems to be one of the better-built tables at this price (not sure of the sonic benefits, but aesthetic things like that matter at this price range!)
I also think I need to learn a bit more about cartridges. I've got the Dynavector 20xl, Benz Ace, Clearuadio Aurum and Ortofon Rondo to learn more about. I'm looking for something with both the quickness/agility and the warmth needed to nail the pace and emotion of Neil's guitar.
Given that I plan to buy the cartridge new, I may actually go into a dealer and give each a listen, though I'm not sure how well I'll be able to separate the cartridge's sonic signature from that of the rest of the system.
I think, based on comments, that my interest in the Basis is well-founded, and I'll keep an eye out for a 1400 on Audiogon. I like that it seems to be one of the better-built tables at this price (not sure of the sonic benefits, but aesthetic things like that matter at this price range!)
I also think I need to learn a bit more about cartridges. I've got the Dynavector 20xl, Benz Ace, Clearuadio Aurum and Ortofon Rondo to learn more about. I'm looking for something with both the quickness/agility and the warmth needed to nail the pace and emotion of Neil's guitar.
Given that I plan to buy the cartridge new, I may actually go into a dealer and give each a listen, though I'm not sure how well I'll be able to separate the cartridge's sonic signature from that of the rest of the system.