MM Cartridge recommendation needed

I just succesfully completed a re-wire of the tone arm on SL-1200, I replaced the stock wires with Cardas litz wires. I also moded the standard cartidge mount to eliminate the cartridge leads. Now the tone wire clip directly to the cartidge and are soldered directly to the ICs. The end result is remarkable.

Currently I am using a Ortofon OM cartridge with an night club E stylus.

On my second (un-moded SL1200) I have ortofon 2M blue, this is much better than the OM but I am relunctant to remove it from its headshell and remount it. This is because it took a while to mounted correctly. I would also like to keep as a reference.

So what has this to do with my question?

I would like to have some recommendations on MM cartrdige to replace the OM. I am looking for something in the range of the 2M blue or possibly a notch above. I was considering the Clearaudio Aurum classic or Alpha.
Dear Nick_sr: All those options posted here are good ones and I only want to add this other alternative:

this Ortofon cartridge is IMHO a " revelation " cartridge with a high quality performance, better that we can imagine.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Try to listen to 2M black, it is more refined and more natural mids compared to blue. Thou, I find the blue a bit dynamic. If you like to try MC, their Dance series Tango or Salsa is a good choice.
Vinyl Addict, I am aware that the OM DJ stylus stinks that is what is motivating me to buy a new one. Currently I am not listening to any cherished records with that stylus. As for the 2M blue, its no best of class cartridge, but I have properly aligned it and it tracks pretty well. Again, I know I can improve.
Raul, how can I be sure that a high output MC or MI will be well suited for my phono pre-amp.

Also, on your long thread you talk about loading MM cartriges to 47k to 100k. How?
Another vote for the Ortofon 2M Black. It is superbly detailed and musical for a MM cartridge. IMHO it begins to narrow the gap between MM and my general preference - low output MC.