If you're concerned about not damaging your records then don't let that Ortofon DJ stylus near your records! For that matter, the Ortofon Blue isn't exactly a tracking champ either.
The fine-line microridge stylus is as tried and true as anything out there and the Jico SAS version is arguably one of the best ever made. Do some research on it here and over at the VinylAsylum. Look at those who have replaced their styli with SAS versions.
Mistracking is the primary damaging factor with records - the AT -150MLX will track very well and will sound very good. The Jico SAS-MM1 track and sound exceptionally well.
The fine-line microridge stylus is as tried and true as anything out there and the Jico SAS version is arguably one of the best ever made. Do some research on it here and over at the VinylAsylum. Look at those who have replaced their styli with SAS versions.
Mistracking is the primary damaging factor with records - the AT -150MLX will track very well and will sound very good. The Jico SAS-MM1 track and sound exceptionally well.