MM Cartridge recommendation needed

I just succesfully completed a re-wire of the tone arm on SL-1200, I replaced the stock wires with Cardas litz wires. I also moded the standard cartidge mount to eliminate the cartridge leads. Now the tone wire clip directly to the cartidge and are soldered directly to the ICs. The end result is remarkable.

Currently I am using a Ortofon OM cartridge with an night club E stylus.

On my second (un-moded SL1200) I have ortofon 2M blue, this is much better than the OM but I am relunctant to remove it from its headshell and remount it. This is because it took a while to mounted correctly. I would also like to keep as a reference.

So what has this to do with my question?

I would like to have some recommendations on MM cartrdige to replace the OM. I am looking for something in the range of the 2M blue or possibly a notch above. I was considering the Clearaudio Aurum classic or Alpha.
Isn't the M20E a VERY high compliance cart? Like 40 x 10-6 cm/Dyne? With the SL-1200's effective mass of 12g with the stock 7g headhshell, I'm not so sure that's going to be an ideal match - I believe it will give a resonance value in the 5-6hz range.
I have decided on one thing, the next cartridge will not be an Ortofon. Not because, I have had a bad experience or anything of that nature. I just need a change. "It's not you Ortofon it's me, we've grown apart and I think I need to hear other cartridge brands".
Dear Vinyladdict: In theory you are right and agree with you
however I want to share my experiences on the subject
through this link:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Vinyladdict: Copy the link below: forums.audiogon.... and then paste it to find the link.

so what will you say about M20E on L-07D tonearm (around 18 g effective mass)? I can attest that it works beautifully on real word pressings.