VPI rimdrive squeaks

Has anyone else got or had a problem with a VPI rimdrive making a regular chirruping or squeak (in time with the rim drive rotation, not the platter).
Rimdrive is on my SuperScoutmasterReference, converted from belt drive.
I've tried ensuring the contact is as light as possible but no joy.
Silence if rimdrive isn't in contact with the platter, twice per revolution squeak from (I think) contact point when rimdrive engaged.
At 45rpm squeak is audible from 3 or 4 feet away. Less at 33rpm but still there.
HELP ! This is driving me mad.
Thanks for the (as I respond) 3 replies. Keep them coming PLEASE.

I really don’t believe contact pressure is too great. I have tested incrementally and minutely by reducing it until platter speed is uneven AND platter continues to rotate long after motor stops (ie too light). All is level too. The whole thing is stood on one substantial and level Symposium Ultra base. Motor parallel to and symmetrical with the platter.

This squeak is in fact the tip of an ‘unfortunate’ iceberg. Problems started before the rimdrive conversion. I see from other threads I was not alone in experiencing a loud Hummm. Even my unprompted wife commentated on it from 8 feet away ! when at 45rpm ( the deck, not her) 5 feet at 33rpm. After a long long story and lots of contact with VPI the Hummm disappeared (see later, it may help a fellow Hummer or two) but now I’m still left with the squeak.

When belt drive was first converted to rimdrive I was still failing to solve the Hummm and hoped rimdrive would fix it. It didn’t. I then had a Hummm and a squeak.

VPI shipped me a whole new (native, unconverted) rimdrive and motor assembly. You can’t ask for more than that from a manufacturer. Unfortunately I soon found out that, indeed, I couldn’t ask for more than that. Well, I could ask but I couldn’t get.

Mysteriously, the replacement, unconverted rimdrive assembly made exactly the same squeak and was returned. Odds-wise, the finger of suspicion shifted elsewhere ( to ME for instance, if you are VPI).

Superplatter edge seems to be vertical, even and consistent as I watch the rotating edge through a magnifying glass with a lined background as reference. There is no apparent lateral or other movement. And anyway, the squeak is in sync with the rimdrive, not the platter.

Hence, I’m still at a loss and will gratefully consider all suggestions other than advice to only play records by the Chipmunks.

As promised, I will return to the Hummm but think this response is long enough. I’ll do the Hummm in another (I hope required) Response.
My rim drive is dead silent. My problem is with vibrations from the motor assembly being transferred to the platter and then to the tonearm. I find that great care needs to be maintained not to twist the rust colored O-ring as it is installed on the large drive wheel. It must be as straight as possible to maintain the precise edge to the platter, or unwanted vibrations are transferred to the arm. While viewing the Nordost wire loop that extends from the arm proper to the junction box, I can get it as quiet as possible, however there is still a very slight motion that can be seen if carefully scrutinized.
Stringreen.. Rust coloured O-ring ??? Mine is black as black. Do I have an old component which was changed by VPI because it caused such problems ?? This might explain why the replacement rimdrive they shipped made the same squeak.

AND, you will see from my earlier Response I said I'd address my Hummm problem. This was not electrical it was mechanical. I think I can add to your understanding even if I can't solve it. Maybe I should start a seperate thread.
the two small belts that drive the rim drive can produce squeaks. if you disconnect the rim from the platter and still hear the squeak, it's coming from the two smaller belts. clean the pulley of the motor well, that should eliminate the squeak.

if problem persists and squeak is not coming from motor belts, make sure the rim drive belt sits evenly in the groove. Mike suggest using a small pin or needle, carefully lift the belt off the rim drive and insert the pin in between belt and the metal rim, run it around the whole rim a few times, and pull the pin out. this should ensure rim drive belt sits evenly w/o bumps or twists.
Rateourmover....Actually the rust colored belt is an updated version of the original black belt. Also, the feet of the motor assembly has been changed to a kind of sponge rubber...the original ones were solid aluminum.
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