VPI Classic and ZYX Airy 3 X SB...good match?

Hello everybody,

I have decided to purchase a VPI classic with sds, peripheral ring and HRX clamp after collecting many opinions.
Music I like to listen to is prevalent acoustic, vocal, classic music and jazz (NO Rock).
I like neutral sound, precise tracking, no coloration, but still full body/harmonic sound.
I know I am asking for a bit too much perhaps but by reading on the forum and elsewhere the cartridge that would better match all these specs would be the ZYX Airy 3 X with the Silver base option to overcome the light tonearm's issue.
Now it is time to purchase the pick up...but since it is not so cheap I want to make sure I am doing the right thing and that is why I am addressing a new post here hoping to collect some more useful thoughts in this regard.

Thank you very much for your attention.

So Airy 3 is not a pick up for rock music?
Who said that? If you want to be rocked by whatever's in the grooves, and not by some coloration added by a pick up, I haven't heard anything that rocks better in its price range. I've heard quite a few that rock less, including some that cost many times more.

Paul and I are not frequent rock listeners, but in our experience the Airy 3-X-SB (low output version) is a very good rock cartridge. I'd have said "great" but there are better (Dynavector XV-1S, Transfiguration Orpheus, ZYX Atmos/4D for example, though they all cost ~$1K more).

Even the UNIverse, not widely renowned for rock, can literally tear the house down. But it needs utterly neutral and dynamically unlimited components through an entire system to fully show its stuff. Like some rock stars, it plays its best when surrounded by very expensive toys. ;-)

wait a second... I said I DO NOT listen to rock music ONLY vocal, classical, jazz. :)) but it sounds like the zyx is a good choice on its price range.
I wish I could find a used universe or atmos because I ca't efford one new not even at this price....but in case I don't I am sure I will be pleased by the Airy 3 X SB I suppose.

Classical is our primary genre also, see our reviews. The Airy 3 is indeeed very good for this, though it's true the Atmos and UNIverse are even better. :-(

I wasn't sure why you asked about rock but your question implied something untrue IME, so I judged a response would be useful. Post the questions you don't need answered in a smaller font and we'll know to ignore them. ;-)


I'll concur, that my Airy 3X SB does rock very very nicely, as it also does with other genre's of music.

While I can assume there is better out there to be had, the Airy 3X never gives you any impression that something is missing, or not being done right.

Music is tight, fast, clean, neutral, well defined, Bass is full, clean, and the Cartridge displays-maintains a very even balance throughout the frequency spectrum.

I'm sure there are other world class cartridges that possess the ZYX's finer traits, but one thing one will immediately notice with the Airy 3, is music coming from a jet black background. Silence in the groove is one of this Cartridge's fortes.

I was in for a quite pleasant surprise, when 35-40 year old run of the mill vinyl was sounding like great, brand new 180-200g virgin vinyl pressings. When a new component in a system makes one wish to pull out every record and hear it, that's telling me something good!

For the price, I think one would be very hard pressed finding a better Cartridge than the Airy 3X SB.
I was wondering based on Doug post (sorry by re-reading my post, I realized my question about Rock was a bit misleading) about the Atmos.
I mean what if I would step up to the ZYX 4D?
How would the 4D relate to the Atmos or Universe?
I heard that the Atmos and Universe are discontinued.

Would the 4D better match the VPI tonearm? or would it be pretty much the same of the Airy3?
Is the 4D really that better than the A3? Worth to buy that instead of the Airy 3?