VPI Classic and ZYX Airy 3 X SB...good match?

Hello everybody,

I have decided to purchase a VPI classic with sds, peripheral ring and HRX clamp after collecting many opinions.
Music I like to listen to is prevalent acoustic, vocal, classic music and jazz (NO Rock).
I like neutral sound, precise tracking, no coloration, but still full body/harmonic sound.
I know I am asking for a bit too much perhaps but by reading on the forum and elsewhere the cartridge that would better match all these specs would be the ZYX Airy 3 X with the Silver base option to overcome the light tonearm's issue.
Now it is time to purchase the pick up...but since it is not so cheap I want to make sure I am doing the right thing and that is why I am addressing a new post here hoping to collect some more useful thoughts in this regard.

Thank you very much for your attention.

The information that seems to be provided, is full of holes.
Firstly, the 4D was not the first ZYX Cartridge that was de-nuded, it was the Atmos.

Whether you wish to believe these statments made, is up to you, to buy the 4D at almost twice the price of the Atmos.

Sadly, I have to admit, ZYX has corn-holed themselves, and after Mehran sells out, I cannot see ZYX even being sold in america anymore. Sibatech has screwed themselves loyally, and the american consumers will probably never nuy ZYX again. Not unless, or till Sibatech instructs their current dealer network to ever assume that us americans in this market are a unch of fools with money to throw away.

Otherwise, buying from Mehran is a safe bet. The only other problem I forsee, is what happens when that cartridge you buy from him needs a repair, or re-tip?
Does one wish to patronize Sibatech? That is the question? Mark
Sorry but I don't se any hole actually.
The information was given says that 4D from 2008 onwards got a new magnetic circuit and new generator derivation from the Omega series which sounds great to me as the omega series is the higher level.
This modifications weren't made available on the Atmos as it was discountinued and thus replaced by the 4D along with the universe (discontinued too).
It would be very interesting to compare the Atmos Universe and 4D.

Prices are really high now but it looks like it was Mehran to offer such a good discount.
Retail prices has always been pretty much the same.
Now I do not know the policy of the company but if they do think they make really high end stuff, they probably don't like to see their stuff sold for much less than what they think they are worth it.
As customer I wish everybody would be as nice and as generous as Merhan!!!! that's all!!!

Speaking of the 4D I personally think it is very close if not better than the Universe accordingly to the description.
If the Atmos was already better than the A3 and half way between that and the Universe, if the 4D is even a bit improved my guess is that it steps on the Univers's toes!! I wish I would have them both (or all 3) at my beside and have fun trying to swap them!! :((
I'm sort of sorry for my last post, because it wasn't a productive one. Most of this has been debated quite at length ad nauseum in the past, and it actually does little good to rehash this topic again.

The info we have from Mehran, of course differs, and who was a dealer, and the main USA Distributor at the time the 4D was "supposedly" improved (2008).

I end with agreement with what Doug Deacon has said, and concur, that the Airy 3, Atmos, or UNIverse are all going to immensely please you, and to pick what fits your budget. Yes, if you pick the Airy 3 like I have, you may then regret not going even further up the ZYX line. Not that the Airy 3 lacks. But once you would live with a cartridge such as the Airy 3, you'll begin to wonder how can it get even better than this!?

I like the Airy 3 so much, trust me when I say I often think of ways how I can buy another one of these wonderful cartridges, and as well own the Atmos, or UNIverse before the opportunity of such good prices is gone. Mark
yeah I know what you mean!
I wish I could get the Universe....but I can't! :((

Speaking of the Atmos and 4D I don't see where the debate is.
If you read Sorasound's website, you will find that they say 4D is an improved model and they ask you to purchase the Atmos indipendently from the 4D whether it will sound better or worse.
It looks pretty coherent to me!

If you want to buy the new model you will have to spend more because unfortunately Mehran doesn't carry it otherwise you get along and you save some money and you buy the older Armos and/or Universe.

It would be very interesting to compare the 3 models.

Has anybody purchased the 4D after Summer 2008?
I add also my opinions to the debate.
I had in my system three different kind of Airy3 (copper-silver-gold coils all high output and no one with silverbase).
Since it's not possible in Italy to look to a Universe, the highest model available is the 4D that I have not (still) tried with my Sirynx PU3 tonearm but I have already auditioned carefully many times in the listening room of the Italian distributor (playing with a Graham B44-II tonearm). Match was appearently very very good, great details and fluently sound.
I'm not sure that VPI tonearms are in the same league, I'm convicted that in order to have the best from these cartridges it will be necessary to go to more expensive tonearms.