VPI Classic and ZYX Airy 3 X SB...good match?

Hello everybody,

I have decided to purchase a VPI classic with sds, peripheral ring and HRX clamp after collecting many opinions.
Music I like to listen to is prevalent acoustic, vocal, classic music and jazz (NO Rock).
I like neutral sound, precise tracking, no coloration, but still full body/harmonic sound.
I know I am asking for a bit too much perhaps but by reading on the forum and elsewhere the cartridge that would better match all these specs would be the ZYX Airy 3 X with the Silver base option to overcome the light tonearm's issue.
Now it is time to purchase the pick up...but since it is not so cheap I want to make sure I am doing the right thing and that is why I am addressing a new post here hoping to collect some more useful thoughts in this regard.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Ciao Marco...Di dove sei? I am fromPerugia but I am residing on the US now.
Unfortunately you should have gotten the lower output.
If you read some review they tell you that the higher output are not worth the money.
Benz are the same though.
I tried the Glider H and it was horrible compared to my Denon.
Then talking to a store he told me there is a consistent difference form the H2 and the L2.
Same thing here with the ZYX.

Best choices are the copper coild low output.

I am sure that the Graham tonearms are better than the VPI...although I think the JMW 10.5SE is good enough for the pick up or at least to obtain an high league kind of sound.
There also triplanar which are excellent tonearms.

Sorry one question: can you tell me who is the imported/dealer of ZYX in Italy? For some reasons I can't find any info on that.
Dear/caro Stefano
in the forum I think will be better to write in English than Italian.
I'm located in Torino, that is also the town of the italian importer (Hi-fi Center.it, also located in the small town of Pinerolo).
Yes I know... the high output has less reputation than Lower out versions. Since my prephono gain is fixed (56 db) and usually I put volume knob during playing from 10 a.m. to 13, I suppose that lower versions are not so good for me, maybe I'm wrong.
I'll ask after spring time to the italian importer to try a lower out demo, since I purchased many items in the past from them I hope that they don't refuse to give me a chance of listening a 4D in my system.
My next tonearms choice will be within Graham B44 or Triplanar VII to find in the used market. I'm still more curious about linear tracking Analog Advanced MG1, appearently a great bargain, but I still find tedious to have one more ac connection and a (probably noisy) external pump.. so... I'll remain in a classic configuration...
a presto / cheers

for the low output you definitely need a 61-62dB of gain.

It looks like your preamplifier doesn't put any extra game so for a fair comparison High out vs. Low out, I'd suggest borrowing a different phono section.

BTW what is your phono stage?
My phono stage is a custom modified unit from Counterpoint.
Mike Elliott personally modify old SA-5 preamp in a full phono stage that can compete (in sound quality) with legendary two chassis SA-9 introduced in 1986 .
It's named SA9 junior; In his website (see altavistaaudio) he describes extensively components, trasformers and features. I had it since may 2007 and I'm satisfied for now. I forgot to mention that load of this unit was measured and is 295 ohms.
P.S. My linestage now is an ARIA WV11XL.
Thank you Stefano!
nice stuff!! good for you.

Just one question: Do you or any other ZYX user here have the pick up set without anti-skating force?

I have read around that the 4D/Atmos as any other or at least most of the new high end pick up (including therefore the Airy 3) will run better with little or zero antiskating....is that true?
Won't this cause the cantilever to bend to one side?

I am really concerned to not ruin the 4D as it is a very expensive pick up and I would like to keep the cantilever as straight as possible for as long as the pick up goes :))