New Apple iTunes 10 Features

I just wanted to let Apple iTunes users know that I've been testing the new iTunes 10 today and have found some interesting features that will be handy for us music nuts.

1. Apple has changed the name of "AirTunes" to "AirPlay".

2. AirPlay allows the ability to adjust volume control for individual AirPort Express and Apple TV units.

3. AirPlay will allow (with the introduction of iOS 4.2 coming in November) the ability to stream content from iOS devices. This means that music and movies can be sent directly from an iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad to an Apple TV or AirPort Express.

4. List view has a cleaner look by grouping "album songs" together and not repeating "album name".

I have done some listening to see if there is any quality upgrade (or downgrade), and so far I can not tell any difference. I'm using Snow Leopard. If anyone else has any opinions, please let me know.
Ballan - I wonder if Front Row works now with AE. It used to work in Tiger but Apple disabled it in Leopard. Many people complained about it.
@Kijanki: I can confirm that "Front Row" does NOT stream to the AirPort Express. Maybe in the future?
Ballan - Thanks. As for the grouping of the albums I found out that setting smart playlists displays all album "tiles" on one screen. I set smart playlists with only genre condition. For instance my playlist "- Jazz" has condition that genre is equal to Jazz. Dash in front is just to list my playlists before others. I have also playlist named "- All" to display all tiles (for finding things).
Proving the rule that every new version of software has at least one annoying feature that makes it inferior to predecessor, songs from an album now seem to be split up. I ripped the South Pacific soundtrack and the album is now split into 3 different sections with different songs in each section. No rhyme or reason that I can see.

Why can't they ever leave well enough alone?

@Nglazer: Yes, it is annoying how iTunes, as well as other programs, handle metadata....and thats the problem. It's not just iTunes, it's all the programs.

The best way to label metadata is to learn what the "tags" are and change them before you click "import". This goes for every media and tagging program. Until we have some tagging standards, this will be a problem.