vinyl cleaning with wood

Hi all,

I have been researching a way of cleaning vinyls and at a certain point I came across a particular way...looked really funky to me.
They are using wood glue and it looks like it works better than anything else.
My perplexity is if glue remains deep down then it can ruin the pick up.

anybody has ever successfully used this method?
What do you guys think?
huummmm....I don't think I am gong to take this risk on the new pick up ever.
I might give it a try with my other cart (denon 103).
However I have finish to arrange the washing machine and the liquid for the regular washing and it works really nice.
Records look much more shiny and the static on the vinyl are reduced a lot.
It is fast and efficient although the noise of the vacuum store is pretty annoying :)
Yeah, a dumb idea.... thanks dan, any stories, or theories to go with this sentence, or are you merely gracing us with your opinion? ;-)
I thought it was a 'crazy' idea, maybe a bit 'wacky' or 'risque' but, then I read about the whole 'blasting your records with steam' thread, and thought the same thing....
Guess what? I actually had enough time on my hands to try BOTH methods.... personally... i find both methods effective, and a bit tedious. I use a nitty gritty machine, easy, and I don't have to listen in an anechoic chamber to discern whether it is up to snuff.....
the glue tech is messy and time consuming... it worked very well, don't have the time.
steam cleaning.... same story.
I'm busy, and prefer convenience at the end of the day.. I have wood glue, and a steamer. Neither of them get used to clean records.
I think anyone using a steamer or glue strictly for cleaning records is extremely fortunate to have so much time on their hands...
But back to the topic and question at hand.
Yes, it works, don't be afraid to try it....
Steam works too.....
Hope I didn't inadvertently offend anyone, and I am glad to have a chance to contribute my personal experience in this crazy, wacky hobby of ours!
I've tried white glue a few times. If you spread it out evenly and let it dry well (takes a while) it can give you good results. Try putting a piece of a paper on an edge as a lift tab as the glue dries. This will help give you a good start to lift up the dried glue.

The biggest issue is the time it takes to dry. But if you give it a go it can work. It may not be too cost effective unless you buy your tubes of glue (white school glue is what I used) from a $1.00 store.
I remember seeing a similar cleaning method using liquid latex(mold builder)

John C.