Driving myself crazy with TT purchase...

You've probably read a post or two of mine looking for info trying to figure out what to buy etc.

I purchased an RD-11e ($78) that needs some work. I'm considering a Grace 707, RB2510/300 or SME 3009 arm for it but the more I look the more I think my $$ could be better spent on a complete table. A few hundred $$$ for an arm a few hundred $$$ for a cartridge, is the current platfrom (RD-11e) worth it?

There are so many TT to choose from in the $600-800 range. For instance I'm trading e-mails on a VPI HW-19 mk, Thorens TD-125, TD-160 Super, Mucsic Hall 5.1 and a Sota. I really do not have the option to listen to any of them.

I don't know what to do, they all seem reputable and modable (?) and they will probably all sound good so in trying to narrow down the broad spectrum, what should I consider? Once setup properly will the setup hold? Do/will any require constant tinkering? and... and... and.

Thanks again.
I would say try the Rega P1 it is under $500 for turntable, tonearm and cartridge. It will tell you all you need to learn about how crazy you really want to get in analogue. My first turntable was a dual 1219 that got lost along the way many years back. So went with a Sonographe SG3G, not a great table but adequate for my needs at the time with a Sumiko MMT tonearm and a shure V-15III cart.
Everybody begins somewhere.
First and foremost enjoy the music
I agree with uru975, I didn't see Rega listed in your thread. There are so many tweeks and upgrade available, that you can build a darned nice table a step at a time.
If you can find a used P3 or even a P25 in the price range you mention.
Yes Rega as well as Pro-ject are in the mix also. Further adding to my confusion....
Either buy new OR used.

New: Project or Rega. Plug & play

The ones you mentioned are used: the Thorens 125 is great!

Mind you, used TTs require maintenance, which may or may not tickle your fancy. But they can make super tunes (much better than the budget new ones, of course).