Turntable Recommendation

I'd appreciate turntable recommendations. After waffling for some time about getting into analog, I ultimately decided to go the inexpensive route initially, and purchased a Pro-Ject Debut III to add to a Cambridge 640P that I already had. Even though I thoroughly enjoy my current digital setup (ARC 300.2 amp, ARC LS17 pre, ARC CD5, and Maggie 3.6's), I could not believe the analog difference in sound. It was wonderful! I’ll spare you all the additional adjectives, but to quote another Goner here, it just sounded “right”. Not perfect mind you, but “right” (to my ears). So though it’s only two weeks old, I’d like to consider a better tt. I am very fond of the ARC products, so depending on finances, I will either buy the PH5 or PH7 phono stage. I’m fortunate enough that I can audition both, but cannot do the same for turntables. I would like to spend $3k or less for both the tt and cartridge. I am not a tinkerer, so it needs to be something that I can set up and leave alone. The Pro-Ject/640P sounds too thin, a bit veiled, a tad slow, and could use a little more (only a little, since I enjoy the blend of ss & tube components I'm using now) soundstage – though the PH5/PH7 may take care of that. Thoughts?
Used is the best path, I recently bought a used Basis 2001 with a Graham arm that had been updated to 2.2 and a new AT 33 EV from J&R and paid less than $3K including a new belt and record weight. Most good tables have a long life, it is hard to make specific recommendations on buying used but as long as you stay with well known equipment you should be fine. I an a VPI dealer and think they are a good buy new or used but there are others.Rigid tables like the VPI require less maintenance in general than suspended ones but are more susceptible to acoustic feedback from floors. Email me if you see a table that interests you and I'll give you any info I have on it. If you have bouncy floors go with a suspended one or a wall shelf. A good $3K table and cartridge will be a revelation to you, the better table and arm will make even cheaper cartridges sound much better.
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"the better table and arm will make even cheaper cartridges sound much better." Here, here.

Some of my suggestions for new. You can do better used, but options vary.

VPI Classic and Sumiko would be a nice combination - a little over $3,000.

VPI Scout II with new JWM-9T arm would be a nice deck, same cartridge as above.

Clearaudio Performance CMB Turntable with Clearaudio Maestro Wood cartridge - or Clearaudio Emotion SE Turntable w/Satisfy Carbon Fiber Tonearm and same cartridge - or Clearaudio Performance CMB Turntable with w/Satisfy Carbon Fiber Tonearm and Grado Prestige Gold or equivalent cartridge (see Stanwal's quote above)