Preamp predicament

First, the system:
Arcam Alpha 9 integrated with add-in phono stage
NHT Super Zero speakers
Yamaha sub SW 120
Technics 1200 MK2 with fluid damper and Cardas arm rewire
AT 150 MLX
Sumiko headshell
Interconnects are whatever they are. I listen to rock mostly with a smattering of jazz and classical.

Second, the problem:
I don't much like the sound, but I can't put my finger on why. There's nothing particularly glaringly wrong with it, but it just doesn't make me want to throw around a bunch of audiophilic adjectives when describing it. And let it be understood that I'm not really an audiophile, I just want to listen to music reproduced in a way that... *takes me there*, for lack of a better description.

So, in looking for possible ways to improve things, I've started to focus on the Arcam's add-in phono stage. I've found next to nothing written about it, which means it must be pretty unremarkable. This has me thinking an upgrade in this department might pay dividends.

Looking at reviews, I've settled (today, for now) on the Cambridge 640p, more or less. My budget limit ~$300-ish. I'd like to buy new from a dealer that will let me return the unit if I find out it's not for me.

Other preamps that have tickled my fancy are ones from Bellari, Pro-Ject, Creek, Graham Slee and a handful of others, all of which have proponents and detractors. The more I read the less sure I seem to be.

Just curious, given my current system, if I can solicit some guidance regarding a preamp that just might uncork it.

Dear Ho72: Other important factor is cartridge the load
impedance/capacitance, different impedance/capacitance
values affect/tame the " flavor " of the sound
reproduction, you can try changes here. Even you can try
that cartridge with a different headshell, this could
improve what you are hearing today.

regards and enjoy the music,
Long ago I had a Sony 400 disc changer. The sound is truly awful. Get an outboard DAC, even a cheap one, and you'll be amazed by the improvement.

As for your vinyl, I doubt that anything in the $300 range is going to be a drastic improvement over the Arcam phono stage. So I would recommend that you try to optimize the setup of your current table (VTF, VTA, etc.) and maybe work with speaker placement if that's an option.

I searched Vinyl Asylum and found some generally good comments about the Alpha 9's phono stage, so I'm leaning toward other upgrades. In no particular order...

The Zero's will stay until I get a proper sub, hopefully an NHT that will blend well with my setup. If I can't find a NHT sub, perhaps I'll look at a Hsu.

I have not experimented at all with cart loading, and I probably won't until the new sub is in place.

I will revisit the turntable setup. The current alignment took me the better part of one evening, but since it was my first time it would not hurt to recheck everything.

As far as speaker placement goes, I have some latitude with the sub but virtually none with the Zeros, which I have placed at about ear level (when seated), about 10 feet in front of me and about 6 feet apart.

Thanks for all the suggestions and insights. That's why I posted here.
I would also consider the Dayton audio subs from parts express. They give a lot of bang for the buck and for $300 you could get one that would slaughter your Yamaha.
