Prevent stylus wear?

Has anyone seen this item to prevent unwanted stylus wear?
I can recommend the AT-lift, it works perfect, and is probably the best "auto-lifter" ever made.
Not cheap, but I rather pay the price for a new, than a over-the-top-price on fleabay for a secon-hand unit...
After all, (premature) retipping a good pickup is more.
I'm peeing my pants waiting to hear what Cobra3, 4, 5 and 6 think...

Can I get an end of wizzing lift? Useful at my age.
Doug, I think that with some modifications and tweaks the lift could be suitable for your purposes. Maybe it could even be sound activated? Could a magic eraser application be advisable in that case?
Maineiac, I'm in with modifications and tweaks, gotta love adjusting Vertical Tracking Angle. Sound activated? Okay if you can do it, but I'm happy if it can be activated at all. Magic eraser sounds too scratchy for me, you're tough!