Townshend Rock Mk III table upgrade

I currently own a Townshend Rock Mk III turntable with the modified Rega RB300 tonearm. I am looking to possibly upgrade the turntable. However, I do not know how this particular turntable compares to other turntables sonically. I was looking at a VPI Classic but do not know if that would be a sonic upgrade or not. For those folks familiar with the Townshend table with Rega arm, I would appreciate your assessment of the sonics of this table compared to other tables and what would be an upgrade for me. Thanks
I just purchased a Rock 3 with the Rega 300 arm. The arm seems obviously modified. Also, there is a verticle dial looking thing to the left of the tonearm pivot base. does anyone know what this is for? Anyone have a manual for this table.
Initial impressions are that this table is extremely well built, solid, quiet and smooth. The sound is very uniform, without any quirks or peaks in the response. I guess the comparison to a master tape is well taken.
I believe that is the VTA adjustment lock/release. If you loosen the dial you can move the tonearm base up and down for proper VTA adjustment. It's somewhat cumbersome to use but it does allow you to adjust arm height for different cartridges.
And I assume the little stub thing sticking out the back top of the plinth is an air valve to fill the seismic air bladders. Do you know how to fill those. A regular bicycle pump doesnt work. Also, the flashing light on the front, is that to tell you the bladder needs filling like some of the seismic sinks?
Yes, a flashing red light indicates a need for air. A bicycle pump should work fine but you will need one that has a fitting for a "presta" type valve. You can probably get an adapter at a bicycle shop that will convert the "presta" type valve on the turntable to a standard one that will work with your pump.
I have a pump with a presta female end, but on the table, I dont see that little piece that comes up out of the threaded tube on a presta valve. The one you unscrew to fill and tighten after your done. Is there supposed to be one?