Townshend Rock Mk III table upgrade

I currently own a Townshend Rock Mk III turntable with the modified Rega RB300 tonearm. I am looking to possibly upgrade the turntable. However, I do not know how this particular turntable compares to other turntables sonically. I was looking at a VPI Classic but do not know if that would be a sonic upgrade or not. For those folks familiar with the Townshend table with Rega arm, I would appreciate your assessment of the sonics of this table compared to other tables and what would be an upgrade for me. Thanks
And I assume the little stub thing sticking out the back top of the plinth is an air valve to fill the seismic air bladders. Do you know how to fill those. A regular bicycle pump doesnt work. Also, the flashing light on the front, is that to tell you the bladder needs filling like some of the seismic sinks?
Yes, a flashing red light indicates a need for air. A bicycle pump should work fine but you will need one that has a fitting for a "presta" type valve. You can probably get an adapter at a bicycle shop that will convert the "presta" type valve on the turntable to a standard one that will work with your pump.
I have a pump with a presta female end, but on the table, I dont see that little piece that comes up out of the threaded tube on a presta valve. The one you unscrew to fill and tighten after your done. Is there supposed to be one?
After further research, it seems that the valve is a Woods valve, designed by Dunlop, which was mounted to the tire of choice for road bicycles in the 60s. It can be inflated with a presta type pump fitting, but it works differently. Figures the English would use some obscure part because they feel it is superior to some newer product. Kind of quaint.