My Music Hall CD 25 just died


1) Will it be worth the $ to repair or should I buy a new cd player?

2) If I want to spend approx $500, what cd player do you recommend

3) Should I not buy a cd player and go with some other technology?

Thanks in advance,
Thanks for the responses so far.

Died: It powers up but it won't read the disc. Minimal interest in rolling the dice on repair, but I might try the scruffy fix-it shop that's nearby.

I've been wanting to plug an Ipod into my system for years. So I'm thinking about getting the Marantz cd6004. It has a USB port up front.

Also, I occasionally find my wife listening to Pandora using her Macbook and pukey Logitech speakers in the same room with our Gradient/Musical Fidelity system. With the Marantz- I can get ipad mini/ipod touch with Pandora app and plug it in for her enjoyment and my relief.

And the Ipad/Ipod route appeals to me because my system is stuffed tight into a cabinet. It won't fit a standard sized component to access interent radio.

Thanks again.
If it won't read the disc, I'd obviously suspect something in the optical/laser head assembly. At this point given its age, I wouldn't sink any crazy money into it - if you can have it evaluated cheaply, maybe clean the lens then I'd give it a whirl. If not, to the great recycling center in the sky (most likely China).
I agree with Rar1. The Marantz 6004 is an excellent cdp for the money and carries a 3 year warranty.

I'll take it off your hands.  I do that kind of work all the time, problem is it can take more than a few hours and you'll be in it for more than you can find something much better these days but I'm 58, I got a shop full of projects and I love that stuff,  

If you're interested let me know I'll pay shipping and some extra.