Goldmund Studio

Hi Folks:

Would appreciate any description about how the sound of the Studio companes to tt's made today. If anyone can describe what the sonic differences would be with the same cartridge, that would also be very helpful.

Thanks as always.

Sorry Nsgarch, don't agree on the spring/sorbothane issue. I've did some extensive testing (I must have the measurements somewhere...) and springs are the better solution, just like Pierre Lurné designed them. Now I have to admit I did all measurements with the Studietto on top of a turntable shelf mounted on a concrete wall And concrete floors), so there might be differences with other placement.
There are also different springs (red and blue colors), which differ in 'springiness' (is that a word?). I have three of both, and different combinations yield different results. I stopped fooling around however when I figured it sounded good enough.

Anyway: the Studio and Studietto can still cut it today, although as Schipo already mentions, the lineair arm adjustment (especially VTA) can be a PITA. And try to get one with the JVC motor. It won't sound better, but that motor is repairable/replaceble.
Satch, sorry, my TT is mounted the same as yours -- TT shelf into conc. block wall, on constrained layer damping platform.

I've assisted with three of these mods, mine, plus another Studietto here in town, and remotely, a Studio restoration in Australia. (I have also read very favorable reports from others who happened upon this upgrade quite on their own.)

Anyway, all three of us are amazed by the results! The springs truly suck, and I'm sure if M. Lurné had access to sorbothane he would have used it ;--) BTW, we use sorbothane of three different durometers (hardnesses) providing the same effect as the three different spring rates (K), and all three of out units are fitted with the Goldmund thread-on cones as specified.

So, not knowing exactly what you did, or didn't do, what materials you used, and how you measured/heard the results differently than we did, I really can't say why your attempt was so unsuccessful? I'd be happy to assist you if you like, however.
anyone knows an address where I can order a spare JVC motor ?( BTW NOT at Goldmund as the TT unit is not a Goldmund or JVC )

Hi All,

I recently picked up a Goldmund Studio table with an SME V arm and a Kiseki Purple Heart cartridge. Two questions for anyone that might want to respond. 

Firstly, I’m interested in doing the spring-to-sorbothane upgrade, but I can’t seem to find any specific info on what type / size sorbothane pucks to use. Ditto for stiffness, as I read above that the sorbothane should consist of 3 different levels of stiffness, just like the OEM springs. 

Secondly, wondering if anyone out there has a (late model) Studio polymer sub-chassis kicking around? Long story, but due to a miscommunication by the Seller on what he did to prepare the table for transport, I ended up with a cracked sub-chassis 😑

I’m also looking for a Goldmund Relief Mat. 

Appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. 👍🏻