Raul said on "03-16-10: Rauliruegas"
"Finally I find the analog source true Reference and following/reading the Pedrillo/Travbow restlessness on how attain that cartridge quality performance yesterday Guillermo and I had a meeting on the subject and decide/talk that due that we already have the " Reference " maybe it is time to make our self design phono cartridge, we will meet again to discuss in formal way this exciting new project.
Of course that we have to finish the tonearm/mat projects first than the phono cartridge one."
I said on 3-10-10 Acoustat6
"The only thing we can hope for is that he designs a world beating cartridge himself. Then we can hear about that for another 500 self absorbed, chest beating posts. Where there is no alternative to Rauls absolute."
Am I clairvoyant? No. But now that Raul has built the worlds best phono/linestage and is busy working on the worlds best tonearm, well what else could he do? Can't let the unwashed masses roll around in pig slop MC cartridges. Not when he saved us from tube preamps, and now on the quest to save us from linear tracking arms and all of those bad sounding pivoted arms that dont match his golden ears standards.
Raul, I want to thank you personally for saving all of us in the audio world from the mediocrity put out over the last 50 years by electronic/audio designers, who obviously have not a clue at what they are doing compared to you.
"Finally I find the analog source true Reference and following/reading the Pedrillo/Travbow restlessness on how attain that cartridge quality performance yesterday Guillermo and I had a meeting on the subject and decide/talk that due that we already have the " Reference " maybe it is time to make our self design phono cartridge, we will meet again to discuss in formal way this exciting new project.
Of course that we have to finish the tonearm/mat projects first than the phono cartridge one."
I said on 3-10-10 Acoustat6
"The only thing we can hope for is that he designs a world beating cartridge himself. Then we can hear about that for another 500 self absorbed, chest beating posts. Where there is no alternative to Rauls absolute."
Am I clairvoyant? No. But now that Raul has built the worlds best phono/linestage and is busy working on the worlds best tonearm, well what else could he do? Can't let the unwashed masses roll around in pig slop MC cartridges. Not when he saved us from tube preamps, and now on the quest to save us from linear tracking arms and all of those bad sounding pivoted arms that dont match his golden ears standards.
Raul, I want to thank you personally for saving all of us in the audio world from the mediocrity put out over the last 50 years by electronic/audio designers, who obviously have not a clue at what they are doing compared to you.