Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear Nandric: +++++ " I don't belive in any a priori truth. " ++++

me either.

+++++ " But I am sure that Raul will announce at once to his friends in his thread about the MM carts if he
discover some cart that is even better then EPC 100. " +++++

this is important and let me explain:

by the last 2-3 years I'm looking for audio items/links in the audio system chain to " the best " status with out luck and know that I found it result that is an out of production product, yes this is my very first " the best " audio item in a commercial product.

Certainly I almost know that in the future will appear some " the best " audio items and I hope I can detect it as I hope some of you then can detect it too.

+++++ " So he obviously have some other understanding of 'the best' then some other have. " +++++

yes, if not then " the best " was/will not cause controversy. The good news is that out there IMHO exist persons that has the same understanding about and what means and why's around " the best ".
That " understanding " means: training, specific on purpose training.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Timeltel: +++++ " but even my minimally enlightened perception still respects the validity of informed opinion and well examined personal choice by others. " +++++

I did and I do always. I don't like useless " confrontations " but build or try to build in favor of us and the music.

The " confrotations " always exist I try that that " confrotations " ( when I'm inn ) finish in something positive for almost all. I always learn with.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dgob, Glad to see that there are still persons interested in,eh, philosophy of science and logic. But Kant
was convinced that Aristotelian logic was 'perfect'. He was still 'captive' in 'subject-predicate' sentence form.
But Frege was the first to explain 4 different logical facts 'included' in 'S-P' sentence form. Kant of course asked many important questions but he was not able to answer them. He had no clue about 'quatifiers' nor
the quantification theory. He was still working with 'concepts' while Frege was also the first to state that 'sentence','proposition' or 'statement' should be the
basic of any logical or linquistic investiation. So to be
honest I am still wondering why is Kant known to every German and only few have ever heard of Frege. BTW there are onbelivable more studens of Frege in the USA then in Germanny.
Regarding Raul. I admire this guy very much and he knows what I think of him as person and intellectual. But I was
confused about his statements or the way he put his convictions in words. Nothing to do with English but with
his thougts. My questions ,particulary, with his use of the
quantifier 'all' was an attemt to understand what he 'realy meant'. Alas I discovered that is not always possible to underatand each other complete.
Dear Dertonarm, You are very provocative and 'terrible' to
argue with. So apart from the fun intended, the 'Sith' is
a name without an bearer ( an non existent entity) so the question is how he can deal in anything ,except, of course in absolutes...?

Hi Nandric,

The Critiques, particularly in the ultimate Critique of Judgement (1790) is a far more aporetic contemplation than the modern reading that you highlight suggests. This is hardly the place to discuss this but (Frege, Russell and related mathematical thinkers not withstanding) the review of thinking that he undertakes there exceeds some of the issues that we are touching upon within the questions of "the best". I find a friend's work to be a fairly useful in-road to a rewarding reconsideration: 'A Kant Dictionary', Howard Caygill (Blackwell, 1995). As I said, what emerges is the very real complexity that besets this debate unless limitations to the discourse and claims are established. Maybe a clear announcement of what we mean by "best" would therefore be helpful in our context.

Concerning Raul as a person, I don't really think our personal opinions of him should interfere. I own the Technics and in fact share his views about its performance. However, I limit my claim to "the best I have ever heard": at once declaring my limitations (subject to time and space as they are) and leaving open the possibility that it is the best there ever was!