Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF

I just spent the weekend at mikelavigne's where we did a comparison with three turntables all using the same Ortofon MC A90 cartridges. We had the cartridges setup at the recommended VTF and they did not all have the same amount of break-in time on them. I decided to see what would happen when we lightened the cartridges up.

We started on the first table and the weight was about 2.25. We lessened the weight until I thought that the sound really locked in. By the time we were done on the first turntable, the VTF was at around 1.56. When we did the second table we got the weight all the way down to 1.92. On the third table it ended up best at about 2.01.

All parties (myself, Mike and Steve) agreed that lightening up the carts really opened things up quite a bit without loss of bass. The inner detail and delicacy inreased as did speed and dynamics.

I called Ortofon and am awaiting a response but I was wondering if those of you who own this cartridge have gone outside the recommended range and if you could share your experiences.

There is more to read about this if you want under mikelavigne's system thread.
I did a bit of VTF experimentation with my A90/Phantom II/TNT.

At the moment I have VTF at 2.14g. At this setting the sound-space is more expansive and individual images are more lively, dimensional and nuanced (compared to ~2.3g).

Lowering much further produced some tracking issues in my set-up. The Reed arm (used by Mikel) must be a superb tracker to have no problems with the A90 at 1.55g!
Thanks for the suggested lower tracking force recommendation. I will have to try them.
Just what IS the factory recommended VTF for the A90? And is it really surprising to anyone that the actual optimal VTF might be different for different tonearms? I guess the surprising element is that in all cases the best sound was achieved at a VTF below the factory recommended one, whatever that is.
Lewm: We have tried it on two of the same arms on different turntables and the result was different for both.

If I remember correctly it was between 2.0 - 2.5. Not that dramatically out of range in some cases but quite far in others.
Hi Lew

Tracking force range - 2.0 to 2.5 gm. Recommended tracking force 2.3gm.

It will be interesting if Mike keeps his 1.5gm long term on his Garrard, as sometimes what can seem like an improvement in the short term is not as sucessful long term.

I had a similar situation with the dyna XV-1 and HP insisting that 2.6gms was best. Yes it sounded quite impressive for the short term, however I went back to 2.05 gm's for longer term enjoyment.

A couple of days ago after Mike's post I lowered my tracking weight and had a listen to the same album. It seemed to sound better at the time, so I left it.

I measured it today and it was at 1.97gms. I will live with it for the rest of the week, play a lot of different albums, then go back to 2.3gm's and see what it sounds like then, or maybe something in between.
To me, it is important to go as slow as you can and as Lew has mentioned before - do a longer term ABA - obviously if it sounds wrong you change it.

The thing about the A90 is that it sounds great on most setting. However every time you change/tweak VTA/SRA/VTF/antiskating/azimuth etc, every change is clearly audible.


I have no tracking issues with the Phantom at 1.97gms. It would probably be benefitial to go over check all of the alignment parameters in case something is amiss.
