10 Commandments of a Vinyl Audiophile

Hi all,

I am new to the site, and recently was gifted 153 un opened vinyl records for my consumption!

I have always loved the richer sound of vinyl from my youth, and I just sold all my solid state stuff, and am going to only keep the Klipsch 3.2 speakers and put together a nice tube set up.

to all the depth of knowledge here I appreciate and respect..

what are the:
10 Commandments of a Vinyl Audiophile!
There is no "best" of anything. Stop scanning this site for the product of the moment and trust your own ears as to what sounds good.

Audition, audition, audition. Your system synergy is critical.

Buying used cartridges is risky. Believe it or not, not every cartridge for sale has less than 100 hours on it.

Spend a little $ up front to make sure you have the proper tools to set up your TT and have a way to clean the records.

Mono records really do sound better with a mono cartridge.

In the end, it should be about the music. You should be spending more time listening and collecting LP's than worrying about your hardware.
Thy vinyl, not thine vinyl. Thy ear, not thou ear.

Thy is a possessive adjective, the equivalent of "your"

Thine is a possessive pronoun, the equivalent of "yours"

Thou is a simple pronoun, the equivalent of "you"
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