Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?

There was an initial thread about the Lyra Delos a few months back, but I haven't seen much follow up about users' impressions with this cartridge. Is anyone using a Delos and if so, how are you liking it?

I'm looking for a new cartridge for my VPI Classic and JLTi phono stage. I'm currently using an old Grado cartridge from my previous turntable, and it's on its last legs. So if anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them. Price ceiling about $1,500. System used mostly to play rock, jazz and acoustic music.

Thank you.
Syntax, Great photo. But your SRA looks a bit off, based on Fremer's latest column in S'phile. 92 degrees, he says.

Not necessarily. Fremer defines the SRA as "the angle between the record surface and the vertical axis of the stylus's CONTACT AREA area..." He then goes on to say that "to properly set SRA you need to know the stylus profile contact patch of your catridge." If a cartridge has an "extreme-angle contact patch" (like the Ortofon A90), it would require that the shank of the stylus "be actually pitched far forward for the contact area's SRA to be at 92 [degrees]." He also warns against using the shank of the stylus as a reference for setting the SRA.

I believe the Delos has a line-contact stylus, just like my Soundsmith Aida, and the shank of the stylus might have to be "pitched" forward to get 92 degreees, like Fremer says. The angle of the shank of my cart's stylus looks very much like Syntax's Delos'.

I won't deny that I find it rather confusing and have no idea how to verify it is in fact 92 degrees at this point. It seems you have to use a microscope and software like Fremer did. Perhaps Mr. Carr can express his opinion on the subject.
I was wondering if anyone has had an opportunity to compare the Delos to the Benz Glider S. Thanks
Dear Actusreus, Thanks to you and Syntax for setting me straight on the concept that SRA cannot be set by observation of the angle of the stylus with the LP. I read Fremer's article only superficially, obviously. I will now cease to be concerned about something I cannot see and have no hope of seeing. Viruses are bad enough.
In a way it is a discussion for every cartridge, for every Set Up, for different records and so on.

Let us have a look into the Delos manual:
"... set height of tonearm pivot so that the Armtube is parallel to LP surface... thicker LP's will require tonearm pivot to be raised, and thinner to be lowered..."

Well, with some tonearms it can be done, the one from continuum with its special "bow" will require some work :-)

But anyway, what is REALLY mean is another Headline in the manual

"Use Your Ears"

Let me just briefly add, that - if one is really serious about VTA/SRA (whatever one likes best...), it is all about that the contact area of the stylus is "in line" with the cutting angle of the record on your TT right now.
Thats why a VTA is "groove-compliant".
There is a good an logic reason, why VTA on-the-fly has some advantages if one really wants to fine-tune his front end set-up.
And this indeed has to be done by foot (i.e.: ear.....).
Much better focus and soundstage on one system compared to the other often is only a matter of 1-3° - and may change with the next record which was cut by a different cutting head in a different angle.