TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?

Hi All,

A few years ago I thought I'd build a Turntable that is still about a year from being finished. The thought was mass is where it's at. If it's heavy it will take more energy to get it excited and vibrate.

After I picked up a few thousands dollars in parts my machinist asked me what I was trying to accomplish. My response was," The heavier it was the less it would vibrate."

He said, " Take it out of the vibrational environment and save money." I can do that soon and wonder if anyone else had the same thought and realized a cost effective improvement instead of spending more money on a better TT.

"Out of the mouthes of babes," Your thoughts,

If we all lived in a perfect world, then moving equipment to another room would be great, but this is not always an option.

This question has been brought up many times though....
There are many other sources of un-wanted vibration than acoustic feedback, which is all you eliminate by moving the TT to another room.
Not an expert by any means here, but my first concern is cable length, emi/rfi exposure with longer cables and signal degradation. I would say stay on the track you are on and add a stand that contributes to dampening. Again just a novice speaking out.
Cable length can be overcome by using shielded cables and putting the phono preamp (high-drive unit) in the same room with the turntable then running the long interconnects to the in-room amplification.

My real concern would be having to jump up at the end of the record and go into the next room to lift the arm off the record... unless you use an auto-lift of some sort.

I haven't done it myself because I've always used decent turntables that were pretty immune to air-borne and other types of feedback. Plus, as I said, I wouldn't like having to leave the room to change the record.
Your problems have been solved! Move your turntable into the other room...after the record ends,you ring a bell and a trained chimp elevates the tonearm lift and simultaneously a peanut is released down a chute as a reward.Downside..chimps can be messy.You can always buy some track shoes.Please just sit down and enjoy your records in the same room like the rest of us slobs,Elizabeth accepted,of course.