VPI Classic Platter

Has anyone compared the classic aluminum platter to the super platter on a Superscoutmaster?
Was it the actual"Super platter" or one of the earlier incarnations of black platters?
It was an earlier version--before the superplatter was around. I think it was the solid metacrylate platter.
At one point (~1 year ago) the quote I often saw (not sure if this was on VPI's site or one of the retailers) was that the "Super platter" was the ....and I paraphrase as I don't recall for certain....."best and most advanced VPI platter to date". Any one remember this and does it still hold true?
Well I think the point is kinda moot...HW had been complaining for a long time about the problems with machining the methacrylate platters--and that they can only be done at certain times of the year because of the material's sensitivity to temperature and humidity. No such problems with the new platter.

What's interesting though is that the first VPI tables released now some what 20 years ago (?) used an Al platter? HP panned the early VPI tables with metal platters(and Linn owners will remember what the platter sounded like without the mat); now HW has come back to the metal platters again and must have solved the issues of the early tables!

Mred, Could I believe something like that, that the Super Platter was Harry's best commercially available Platter in the history of VPI? I'll say yes, it probably was, followed by the TNT, and MK-IV Lead Filled Black Acrylic Platters. Even Mr. Salvatore seemed to believe this. (Gosh, hope I didn't say a dirty word here!?)

Which is better, the Classic Platter, or Super Platter/TNT-MK-IV Platter? That might be to a point a matter of personal taste, and too, which Table they are placed upon?

There may have been better Platters that Harry made over the years, possible dozens of prototypes that never made it to market? Only Harry W. can say for sure?

I believe too, there was a balance of not only quality of materials available, but as well what they would cost to procure, and fabricate. Harry could've perhaps designed-made a "Super Duper" Platter, superceeding all others, but at what cost to him, and/or the customer?

Note how many of VPI's better Platters seem to be a hodge podge of different, dissimilar materials combined together? Mark