MM Cartridge for VPI Scout

Currently using a Benz H2 and getting too much distortion especially on the inner grooves during classical music. I think the High output has something to do with it. Any suggestions?
Clearaudio Maestro! I have a backup 1 for my system i'd let go for $875 and they go for $1000, its never been out of the box, they sound great on my Scout, best cart i have ever heard.
DO NOT USE THE ANT-SKATE!!! it screws up the tone completely
if the cart is setup right you won't need anti-skate anyway
can anyone here list some carts not compatible with the JMW 9 tonearm ?
Does this have anything to do with the weight of the cart ?
would a cart w/ 4g work ? all the way to 13 grams ?
thanks for the inputs.
You will have to add weight to the head-shell or change the counterweight with 4g weight cartridges. Very low compliance cartridges are also not ideal although they will work. Don't confuse cartridge weight with compliance, it is the relationship between the arm mass and cartridge compliance that you have to pay the most attention to. Typically very high compliance cartridges are very light and low compliance ones very heavy but you should check the individual cartridge; most arms and cartridges currently made are medium mass and most cartridges medium compliance so they will work with each other but there are numerous exceptions. Check Vinyl Engine for a calculator to determine the arm resonance from the arm mass and cartridge compliance.
I 2nd the recommendation of the Clearaudio Maestro. I have been using this MM cartridge for 3 years now and have been very happy. I purchased mine from Acoustic Sounds. Send 'em your tonearm and they will perfectly align your cart, free of charge with purchase of the cart. The Maestro is certainly one of the better MM carts available and plays nicely with the VPI - I used it initially with the JMW9sig and now the 10.5i on my Sxoutmaster.
Reading from several reviews, looks like the Maestro is one of the best mm and options out there.
Pricey but might be worth it.
If one is spending $1000 on an mm cart, would one be wiser to just go with an mc cart like the Shelter 501 ??