Can any Oracle experts help me?

Hey there,

I picked up a used Delphi Mark V a few weeks ago and man is the set-up getting to me! I finally managed to properly calibrate the suspension as per instructions and everything seems level and balanced - but I can't seem to get the belt to rest in the middle of the motor pulley. No matter what I do it seems to "want" to move to the bottom of the pulley. I hear some pitch instability - most obvious on piano recordings of course. The manual lists "belt not riding in center of pulley" as a potential reason for pitch instability but does NOT explain what to do about this or how to fix it!

Any insights out there?

Thanks for your help!
You probably need a new belt. Did the previous owner tell you how old it was?
Belt is brand new - bought a maintenance kit. Bearing properly oiled, new springs etc...
You got a lot of guts buying a tt like that without knowing a good set-up person. Best of luck.
If I were in your shoes, I'd call Oracle. I'm sure they've seen this before and can offer some advice.