Which cart works with Ortofon AS309S 12inch arm

Can anyone share their experience on this arm. What carts would work on this arm ?
table is a TW Raven One.
Line up include Shelter, Ortofon mm like black, Audio technica at33.
thank you in advance.
Interchangeable Headshells will give you more options. Different folks & have different strokes as they say. May it be pop, rock, jazz, classical or vocals you will have a cart that will do justice to your records. May it be audiophile nor regular/old pressing.

Fld, 'risky buseness' to recommend some cart while Raul already 'have spoken'. But I was very curious reg. this
Phase Tech P-3G. On the one hand because this cart got so
many awards in Japan. On the other because this cart caused
some,eh, 'panic' in our forum. In particular among the owners of 'the big guns' (>$ 4000). So I bought one and was
very disappointed at first. Until I got the Reed 2A that is
(27gr.). Since then I an very happy with the 'combo'. The
other (combo) is Triplanar VII with Benz Ruby 3s.

I have the 309D on my TW Raven one and have used a benz Micro LP and Koetsu Onyx. Both gave great results, the Koetsu is not supposed to be a match with the Ortofon, using arm cartridge compliance matching charts, but it sounds great to me.