Tube failure -- what would happen in worst case?

How do you determine when a tube is to be replaced?
Can a tube ever glow bright red and blow up?
If it does, would it damage the amp itself as well as other components including the speakers?
replace when it won't hold bias or you hear a rushing sound or it becomes microphonic or the definition softens...tubes can blow and that's never a good thing for an amp....all that said, I wouldn't listen to anything but tones sound real.
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Elizabeth, I have kept both my Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and Modulus 3A four tube preamp on continuiously since I bought them. The Modulus 3 has been on constantly for 16 years and the Modulus 3A for 10 years. The only time I have turned them off is when I changed tubes. There is no danger keeping a modern tube preamp on all the time.
