i am looking for arm board or mod to fit with Graham B44 tonearm.please advice
I am a VPI dealer but I have never had an HRX. I do not believe that it uses an armboard, my Aries extended did not. There seems to be a growing consensus that separate arm boards degrade the sound. Ordinarily, the Graham would fit in the same cutout as the VPI arm unless you had the SME mount Graham as I do. However, the HRX uses a 12" arm so this probably wouldn't work. You may well have to purchase another plinth and have it custom cut for your arm. That is one of the best things about VPI, they are entirely modular and parts can be easily transferred. You could drill another hole but it would seriously mar what is a beautiful table. By all means check with Harry, he may have another solution.
Tuesday to Thursday is the way to go. Check with Harry? That will be the day, he is long gone with the junior in charge. Hey, all high end players work only two or three days a week, that is why they need to charge mega bucks.