VPI Classic upgrade what any had the SDS, it is a

good upgrade and it is big different.
I assume you are asking if the SDS is a big upgrade for the Classic. I have the SDS and have ordered a Classic, Wendell already has one. So when I get mine or take the SDS over to Wendell's we can give you an answer, just not right now.
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I would like to hear some impressions as well regarding SDS in VPI Classic. At least in reviews, HP did not seem to think that SDS added much whereas Hifi Plus thought it gave a nice improvement over stock Classic. Unfortunately I have 220V version so SDS will not work until I change to motor to 110V first (I was told that SDS will work with 220V wall electricity but motor has to be 110V version) so I cannot just simply borrow SDS from my local dealer to try out.