VPI Classic upgrade what any had the SDS, it is a

good upgrade and it is big different.
I assume you are asking if the SDS is a big upgrade for the Classic. I have the SDS and have ordered a Classic, Wendell already has one. So when I get mine or take the SDS over to Wendell's we can give you an answer, just not right now.
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I would like to hear some impressions as well regarding SDS in VPI Classic. At least in reviews, HP did not seem to think that SDS added much whereas Hifi Plus thought it gave a nice improvement over stock Classic. Unfortunately I have 220V version so SDS will not work until I change to motor to 110V first (I was told that SDS will work with 220V wall electricity but motor has to be 110V version) so I cannot just simply borrow SDS from my local dealer to try out.
i am so sorry for my poor english, i did not understand my post too.
i do enjoyed very much my VPI Classic with Dyna 17D3, have it for 1 week now, have not listen to CD, Black oak, i like the new look vs the 45deg. edge of the first version, the one is more rounded at the edge, also VPI quality control over the motor drive are not standard, the first one that i got have noisy start up it was a walnut which my dealer supplied wrongly as i wanted black. so it came last Friday and i am happy because no noise at start up. everything is the same on sound, infact the speed stay very good on that day when set up by my dealer.on dot 33 1/3rpm.
my wife enjoy every mins her comment was why i did not get it earlier.
Wow i must said the bass on this TT is never heard on my system, my Sony XA-SCD 9000es are no match in everything.
the holographic and voice , instruments separation is wow.
i bought used LP too for $5 Jennifer Warnes and many others, it sounded as good as new 180 to 200g and 45rpm. except more hiss and pop, so i order VPI 16.5 cleaning machine, not here yet.
I do not own the VPI Classic, but I do own a VPI HW-19 MK3, which has served me well for a long time, and which a few people may consider a bit of a minor classic itself. I had previously tried it with the SDS, which I felt added a slight electronic edge or impression of artificiality to what I was hearing. In other words, things sounded more natural without the SDS, and I had no problems with the turntable's speed either. I also saved some $$. One final comment: I've never been able to understand why after buying a VPI table, one should have to shell out an additional, sizeable sum of money for the ostensible purpose of doing something for the platter's speed that shouldn't have posed a "problem" in the first place.