To buy or not to buy a used cartridge?

As a general recommendation, is it risky buying used cartridges? What is your experience from those who have bought cartridges used? Is it best just to bite the bullet and buy new? You can get much more cartridge for your money buying used.

Similar to tubes, it seems dicey to think that the estimates that people give of hours they have put on a cartridge are very accurate.
Personally, I find this the riskiest purchase to make. For all the reasons you give yourself and some. If you can find what your looking for and someone who completely stands behind it and knows 100% of the knowledge needed to set up and use the cartridge in the first place and it is properly inspected, maybe then you may feel more comfortable as you obviously do not now. Hours are just a guess unless one would keep a logue book of use which is unlikely and kind of extreme. The prices may be attractive if your actually getting "much more cartridge for your money buying used". Lots of sales on here that suggest some good deals were made but some that did not turn as one hoped for. Ask the right questions first not after you buy. Cheers!
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I think cartridges are perhaps the riskiest used purchase. They are quite fragile/delicate devices.

You have to be real careful to be certain of the condition.
Thats what I meant by properly inspected Viridian. I agree with you on the Soundsmith approach , I just can,t understand why seller's wouldn't do that themselves before selling it as you might end up keeping it if your price is correct for 400 dollars more to have a virtually new Koetsu cartridge or proof all is good for the sale. Not having to wait for the retip to a potential buyer versus not finding out something you thought was good to go that needs the service would get a better price as well I would think.
Having purchased 9 used cartridges here on Agon (and 1 on ebay), I can attest that it is no more risky than other used component purchases. Feedback check is essential here. I have received one cartridge that was not as described (and no, it wasn't the one from ebay believe it or not). On the other hand I have received a few components (mainly power amps) delivered with shipping damage. I am more leery of having heavy items shipped than buying used cartridges. Buying anything used is always more risky but overall I think well worth it. As far as how many hours the seller claims his cart to have, I only use this as a guide, not realistic unless he claims to have logged hours. I think most sellers here on Agon are pretty staight forward.