DBP-10 Protractor Instructions......

I just got it and I cannot grasp this. I'm not an engineer.
I have a VPI JMW9 on my Scout.
I found the data specs on the web.
I own a caliper and a scale for the tracking force.
Someone please walk me through this in layman's terms.
I'm even open to a phone call at your convenience.
What am I, a rocket scientist?
Dear Actusreus: +++++ " So if you order a protractor for the JMW-9, it will be "made specifically for this arm," based on the Baerwald values. " +++++

that's right and that " specifically " tonearm made protractor can/must be used with any other tonearm that has the same effective length than the JMW-9!!!!!!!

But that IMHO dishonest Mint people let you think that if you have two same effective length pivot tonearms from different manufacturer/designs you need two " specifically made " protractors!!!!!!: these dishonest Mint people are only decieve/cheat/fool you ( and making a fraud ) because your very low knowledge about geometry tonearm/cartridge different algorithm calculations.

These Mint people IMHO only want to take away your money when you can do it for your self by free!!!!!

Any of the geometry algorithms calculations ( Baerwald, Lófgren, Stevenson, etc, etc. ) needs three primary parameters and parameter values: tonearm effective length, innermost groove and outermost grooves.
With these parameters values the final calculations give you: offset angle, stylus overhang, inner null point, outer null point, spindle to pivot distance.

With these final calculations/values you can build your own protractor as you can see in VE or Enjoy the music:

Now, on each one of those different algorithms you can attain at least two different calculations that can give you two protractor choices for the same tonearm.

How is that?, well exist at least two Standards for the innermost/outermost groove values: DIN and IEC, depend which one you choose you will have two different tonearm/cartridge set up parameter values.

Even you can choose your own innermost/outermost values and make three-four or more protractors for the same tonearm for you can decide which one works beter for your specific needs/priorities not for the " specific " Mint need$$$$$$

regards and enjoy the music,

I honestly cannot speak to the charge that Yip (I've only dealt with him when ordering) has any ulterior motives, is dishonest or is driven by greed. As any businessman, he certainly wants to make a profit, but my dealings with him have been nothing but positive.

You make a good point about many different algorithms that can be used to optimize cartridge alignment. However, in my humble opinion, most vinyl enthusiasts, like myself, do not want to deal with calculations, different parameter values, or innermost/outermost groove values, etc. Mint offers a fool-proof setup method using one of the most popular and recognized approaches to cartridge alignment. It's made to a high standard and offers a very precise alignment, something that a printed out paper grid probably could never do.

I think both a blessing and a course about hobby is the fact that we have so many different options when it comes to setting up our analog rigs. For those who love to forever tinker and experiment, an effort to try out the many different protractors and parameters might very well be worthwhile. For those who would prefer to set up their system and adjust as little and only as often as absolutely necessary, devices like the Mint Tractor are God sent. VTA, VTF, azimuth and the overall system synergy already give me enough headache as it is. Peace.
Dear Actusreus: I'm not against " the business man " and profits but against what that " business man " let you and " oriented " for what you understand in good faith.

+++++ " most vinyl enthusiasts, like myself, do not want to deal with calculations, different parameter values, or innermost/outermost groove values, etc " +++++

because of that it is easy to make business with people: why try to make business with deceives.

Anyway, you get my point.

Regards and enjoy the music,

regards and enjoy the music,
I'll just respond to Raul's accusations by inviting anyone to go the following link and then to the bottom of the page where the list of reviews and feed back is. Anyone can read through the links and find pros and cons about the Mint and other protractor options.

The fact that this is all linked on Yip's website DOES NOT support Raul's assertion that there are "dishonest, deceptive" people involved.

Read and decide for yourself.

Review's at the bottom of the page
Dear Actureus: Btw, the only date/value you have to know is the effective length on your tonearm, is this parameter the only one you have to deal with it is this value the one that you introduce in the Calculator Input and this Calculator not only gives: stylus overhang, offset angle, pivot to spindle distance and null points but a diagram/graphic where you can see how/which , with that algorithm , trackin error and tracking distortion you have over the playing LP surface.

I give you all the other parameters only to explain how all those different algorithms work but you only need to deal with the tonearm effective lenght.

Anyway, an option.

regards and enjoy the music,