12-inch armwand on Graham Phantom II?

I recently picked up a Phantom II and I'm thinking of trying it with a 12-in. wand. Does anyone have experience with this arm as a 12-incher? Does the longer length improve or detract from its already excellent performance?
Very insightful question from Hiho. The inaccuracy resulting from adjusting azimuth would be slight (varying with the cartridge). It might not outweigh the reduced tracking angle distortion from a longer arm and reduced offset angle of the cartridge.

But it will be there...
I just learned from my dealer, who got it from Garth at MS, that the P-to-S distance is 292 mm for the 12-in. wand and the counterweight is the same. The range of cartridges shrinks from 4-18 grams to 4-16.

Apparently, Bob Graham is on vacation until June 9, at which time Garth will ask him for a cheat-sheet with comparative data for all armwands.
Would love to see the cheat sheet if it comes available. I run a Phantom Mk ii with a 10" arm wand on a TNT Mk IV.
