Best Tubes results for McIntosh C2300

OK, The McItosh C2300 preamp has been out a while. What are some opinions on tube replacement (brands)? I have about 375 hours on mine with original valves. Getting near time to roll. Please chime in...
I concur with the Telefunken recommendations. I used them in the MC and line stages and left the stock tubes in the MM stage which I never used.

Once I put them in, I never thought about tube rolling again and they were perfectly reliable for the 2.5 years I owned the C2300.
I agree 100% Telefunken. Tried several brands, and the Tele's just do everything right, I guess well balanced would be the word.

I change but then I keep going back to them. The C2300 is not a McIntosh off old, it is very natural.
Alright, everyone is claiming Telefunkens... ecc83 or ecc803s? Money aside, we all know what the ecc803s cost. Anyone tried both in the C2300?
I have some ECC802S or ECC801S can't remember and have to wait a while until I am reunited with my tube collection. In any event there wasn't that huge world of difference between then and other high quality NOS types in the specific application I used them in. You say money is no object but finding the genuine article real McCoy ECC803S is fraught with difficulty. There are so many fakes floating around and relabled reclassified "S"s regular Old Stock tubes that are being dealt.
The cost is clearly rediculous no matter how wealthy you may be. It is simply obscene. However even if you are in a position to buy them I doubt they will live up to the hype and expectation. I would just get some well screened tubes from a really honest known dealer. You will be happy just to get truly good tubes What if you don't like them ? As a private seller you will never get near the price you paid.