the object is to shortan the distance from needle to speaker. filters just increase that distance. adding and taking away from what was intended. at best, masking the problem. at worst, killing the sound. don't wall mount! your issue is vibration, airborne or cart/arm. owned the vpi aries with simalar, if not exactly the same tt feet on it. high volume vibrated like crazy. moved up to the HRX never had the problem again. the scout is a relitively light tt(total 40lbs). making it harder to isolate. you need a heavy rack with a well insolated platform for the best isolation of the tt. maybe you can upgrade to the super scoutmaster feet or even better up the vpi chain to the super scoutmaster tt. vibration is what it is all about. controlling vibration, not trying to mask it, thats where it's at. best of luck