Project Align it CartridgeAlignment Gauge is good?

i want to buy this product: Project Align it Cartridge Alignment Gauge, i have a garrard turntable, sme 309 tonearm , clearaudio stradivari, is good this product?
which is the best and simple method for align the cartridges?
Just get a 309 alignment template and be done with it...

It's $20 here:

It's what I use and it's simple, accurate, and accounts for the variable pivot-to-spindle distance sliding base.


I'd recommend you do a search of this site regarding protractors. The pros and cons of each design has already been thoroughly debated (many times).
I just received a Mint LP for a second arm and I will get a third Mint LP if I ever get yet another arm.

It is such a good tool. If you have a lot invested in a analog rig, get one.
