turntable recommendations for a vinyl newbie...

As some of you might know, I have invested megabucks into digital audio - now being finally satisfied with my custom Audio Note DAC + PWT transport... So I am curious as to how vinyl may compare... I know, I know, but I want to hear for myself in my own system.

So, I am interested in a turntable set up that will be fairly competitive against my Audio Note digital front end, yet will not be expensive (incase I bail) - in other words used.

I have a Micro Seiki DD-40 in mind - would this work? or is there something else that would sound better for around the sub $1000 mark used???

remember, at this point, I know little about TT. and I plan on connecting to my Atma-Sphere pre...

thank you
You are too kind and fair beyond description.
You got your new Porsche, special order and it`s guaranteed to do 0 - 60 in 4.0 sec flat and 180mph.
and now,
you want to see how an American car stacks up, BUT you only want to spend $1000, you could get a nice 97 Chevy Cavalier with 150K on the odometer for that.
Besides that turntable you will need a Phono Stage, cartridge, phono cable, "rock of Gibralter" rack to put it on, and some lessons on how to play those Lp`s.

Please don`t do this, nobody here wants to hear you brag how your see-dees blow away vinyl, or whine about the $1000 you wasted on a "Vinyl Rig"!
You have no idea or knowledge about what you are attempting.
Post removed 
About $2500-$3000 would give you a sound that would be at least completive with your digital. Are you sure you want do do it? LP costs have gone way up since I amassed my collection. The above does not include a phono stage and was figuring buying used. There is no use comparing a cheap TT to your current digital gear. I prefer LP but I have several $K in my digital and bought it at low prices at that. Save your effort on the Micro, they made good tables [I was one of their dealers] but this one is not one of them.

There is a crazy sale now for a Denon DP72L = $399 !!!!!!
Dynavector P-75 mkII Phono Pre Amp = $450
Dynavector Karat 17D2 = $300